Welcome at Steffens PANTA RHEI!


QUBEdocs can be integrated into your TM1 environment as an add-on/plug-in and provides automated documentation of all models.


About your TM1- environment


IBM Planning Analytics is a framework used to build solutions for clients. It has proven to be a standard tool for entrepreneurial planning.


With Panta Rhei Social we offer a Management Information System (MIS) for the social economy. An MIS is a computerised information system and a very useful tool for controlling. It provides the company with information with the help of which it can be directed and controlled.

Latest Event – TM1 User Day 04.11.2024

And now the tried and tested IBM TM1 user meeting, which brings together the entire planning analytics and TM1 ecosystem in German-speaking countries, has already passed.   Click here for the review  

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Latest interesting events!

It was a very enriching conference! Read more in the review!

Olapline TM1 User meeting

This year’s user meeting, which was held for the 17th time this year, took place on September 25, 2024.

Here is a short review.


Letting of business and residential premises of the company Steffens PANTA RHEI completely modernized and in a quiet location

Steffens PANTA RHEI supports “Doctors without Borders” with various projects.